Do you want to increase Traffic of your website ?

When SEO is Required ?
Well it might be possible that the thing which are advertising/writing currently on the web is already advertised/written by hundreds of people.
So, what you at that time ?
If SEO wouldn't be there you might get your link at the very last page of Google as you've submitted your link lastly. So, at that time Search Engines Companies looks for good SEO of the Site and Place it on the top accordingly.
But it really requires very hard work to do good SEO to improve Page Rank/Popularity of the site.
So, now you have very clear idea about SEO and why it is required ? So, lets learn how to do good SEO to improve your site's Page Rank/Popularity.
We all know the most used and reputed search engine on the internet is Google. So, to improve SEO Google Products plays important role.
Let's look all of the them Step by Step...
Step 1 :- Use Google Keyword popularly known as Google Adwords.
    1. Paid Method to use Google Adwords
....In this method you just have to sign in to Google Adwords and have to pay some money to buy Keywords from Google. For example if you are paying for "solvemyhow" Keyword then whenever any user search on Google for "solvemyhow" your site will be displayed first !
    2. Free method to use Google Adwords
....In this method you are not suppose to buy keyword from the Google and in return Google won't put your site on the top at this time you have to do a bit SEO Search Engine Optimization. In Google adwords you will get the option of "Tools >> Keyword Planner" in which you can search the Keyword and see how must it is Searched by others and you can use that particular keyword in your blog to rank it on the top.
It will simply give you the estimation about how much that particular word is searched and if you use that particular keyword in your blog it automatically improves your Search Engine Optimization SEO.
Step 2 :- Use Google Trends.
Google Trends let you know about the Trending Topics/searches on the web. It will let you know how often the particular item is been searched on the web. So, you will get the clear idea about what to write by looking at the trending topics.
Step 3 :- Use Google Products.
Do use Google Plus, Google Maps etc. Google will reward its user. Your registration on Google maps will improve your Search Engine Optimization SEO and you can also use Google Plus for sharing your blog's links and also for rich snippets.
Step 4 :- Write Original and Quality Content.
Obviously content is the King. Doesn't matter how much you are publicizing your blog/site but if you doesn't have quality content you can't be able to attract the visitors.
When SEO is Required ?
Well it might be possible that the thing which are advertising/writing currently on the web is already advertised/written by hundreds of people.
So, what you at that time ?
If SEO wouldn't be there you might get your link at the very last page of Google as you've submitted your link lastly. So, at that time Search Engines Companies looks for good SEO of the Site and Place it on the top accordingly.
But it really requires very hard work to do good SEO to improve Page Rank/Popularity of the site.
So, now you have very clear idea about SEO and why it is required ? So, lets learn how to do good SEO to improve your site's Page Rank/Popularity.
We all know the most used and reputed search engine on the internet is Google. So, to improve SEO Google Products plays important role.
Let's look all of the them Step by Step...
Step 1 :- Use Google Keyword popularly known as Google Adwords.
    1. Paid Method to use Google Adwords
....In this method you just have to sign in to Google Adwords and have to pay some money to buy Keywords from Google. For example if you are paying for "solvemyhow" Keyword then whenever any user search on Google for "solvemyhow" your site will be displayed first !
    2. Free method to use Google Adwords
....In this method you are not suppose to buy keyword from the Google and in return Google won't put your site on the top at this time you have to do a bit SEO Search Engine Optimization. In Google adwords you will get the option of "Tools >> Keyword Planner" in which you can search the Keyword and see how must it is Searched by others and you can use that particular keyword in your blog to rank it on the top.
It will simply give you the estimation about how much that particular word is searched and if you use that particular keyword in your blog it automatically improves your Search Engine Optimization SEO.
Step 2 :- Use Google Trends.
Google Trends let you know about the Trending Topics/searches on the web. It will let you know how often the particular item is been searched on the web. So, you will get the clear idea about what to write by looking at the trending topics.
Step 3 :- Use Google Products.
Do use Google Plus, Google Maps etc. Google will reward its user. Your registration on Google maps will improve your Search Engine Optimization SEO and you can also use Google Plus for sharing your blog's links and also for rich snippets.
Step 4 :- Write Original and Quality Content.
Obviously content is the King. Doesn't matter how much you are publicizing your blog/site but if you doesn't have quality content you can't be able to attract the visitors.
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